Our Culture & People
We interviewed avatarin employees about the company’s culture and the people who work there.
– What made you decide to join avatarin?
I wanted to work abroad and I was looking for a place where I can grow in my field of expertise and a supportive environment. avatarin had it all in one package! I immediately thought that this is where I want to be.
I wanted to work in a company that had a product that I can improve and keep me myself motivated. I already knew some people in avatarin and I knew those people were good people. They were looking for engineers and there was some role for me so I decided to join.
I wanted to work with someone I could trust in my new job and an environment where I can be open about my sexuality. The company welcomed me and I felt I could work comfortably and openly about who I am.
Our business has many possibilities. I believe the company is trying to do something that I can relate to. I thought that people who feel difficulty in living in this country for various reasons, could go anywhere they want to go and live a free life through avatars. I decided to join the company because I thought I could help them do so.
– What is unique about avatarin?
avatarin is working on making the remote-controlled robot available to everyone. There was an article about 5G technologies, and they said that doctors would be able to perform surgery remotely using remote-controlled robots thanks to 5G connectivity. I believe what avatarin is doing is the first step towards that future. Making remotely controlled robot available not only for professionals but also for everyone who has access to the internet. I think that’s unique about avatarin.
The product is available for anybody that would like to use it. It’s not something that is out of range for regular people and it’s pretty easy to use. I think it is a good product and it’s unique.
Everyone can go where they want to go. There are many people who cannot go where they want to go not only for physical reasons but also for mental reasons. If they go somewhere through newme, it is easier for them to travel.
Technically, it is still in the future, but what I discussed with our CEO Fukabori-san that it is possible to accumulate experience through newme. I have a dream to create a system that can eventually create data on what kind of experiences and bad feelings these people have had in order to build a better understanding of minorities in various categories, and to be able to communicate this with the majority of the society.
– What is the work atmosphere at avatarin? How would you describe the people at avatarin?
Great and smart people. I met a lot of people with very special and deep knowledge in their own field. It is a very interesting and very fun environment to work in as well. Everyone is supportive, especially in my team. We spent time at work and also spent time outside of work. We try to create a bond in our team to perform better. It’s a fun and supportive environment and I’m glad to be part of it.
People here are great and friendly and open minded. Everyone has unique ways of doing things but it looks to me that everything is working still in good harmony.
Working with my team, everyone has their own core beliefs and enthusiasm for their work. Rather than being overly expressive in their opinions, they respect each other’s opinions as well and discuss constructively. For some people, in other companies, the discussions would turn into a fight, but that is not the case here. They are smart, open-minded, and positive, and I think they are working in a wonderful harmony. It is almost a miracle that people of various races, mindsets, and sexualities, people who grew up in various environments, are working together in the same place without any conflict. I think it is wonderful.
I experienced many different companies, many different teams, and many different projects. Every project had a tight schedule, and when things got busy, we had no time to spare. Everyone was getting gloomy, talking less and less, and drinking energy drinks. Here, where the update is due in two hours and the bug is still out, of course we are in a hurry and trying to do our best, but the mood is not too bad. We are calmly deciding what to do constructively and whether we should postpone the release. I think it is because we have confidence that we can solve the problem without getting depressed because we have reliable knowledge and skills.
I work with other developers for the update and sometimes things go wrong. I might look calm on the outside, but to tell you the truth I’m actually panicking in my head while trying to stay focused and fix it with everyone!
Interviewer: Everyone has a strong will to improve the product, not just doing what someone else told them to do. I thought that this mindset has been established because we have the goal of doing our best to improve our own product.
When adjusting the schedule, my colleague who is in charge of development considers not only his own schedule but also myself, and he says, “If we can complete up to this point, you can take more time for testing.” I think they have the hardest time, but they also take care of other people. I am very grateful and I also try to consider the people who are in the next step of the process.
– Tell us what is important to you when you work and communicate with people.
The first thing I try to be aware of in communication is that “what the person is saying” and “what they really want to say” are different. I try to think about what they really want to say.
I focus to understand what they are trying to say, and I always look at the tasks they are actually doing and what they value in their work.
You can’t get the whole background in one communication. So I go to them and learn what they usually do, what kind of personality they have, and so on. I try to deepen my understanding of the person by taking notes on what he or she said and what he or she likes to do. As I take notes, I review the conversation, recall what kind of conversation we had, and think about how I misunderstood the conversation. And then think about how I should say it next time. I try to keep a PDCA cycle of communication.
The most important thing is to have mutual understanding of the topic we are talking about so that we can avoid any miscommunication. The second thing is always Be Open with communication. If you have something to say to me or if there is something on your mind, it’s okay to just say it in a respectful and comprehensive way. Because everything is not always clear and it’s better if everything is laid down on the table properly. And the last thing is don’t wait, just say it now. Just be open to communicate with everyone anytime. You should always have time to communicate with your colleagues even if you are really busy. Just take the time because otherwise it leads to issues.
The most important thing is to Be Open in communication. We work in a very diverse environment and people with different experience and background and it is easy to misunderstand things. We have to try to understand each other. Sometimes we need to find another way to say it or just change the words. Doing things that make sure that we both understand the same thing and that requires empathy and to be open with communication. And enjoying keeping the relationship in good condition is important as well.